Online Converters

List of our free converter calculators.

Angle Conversion Calculator

Area Unit Converter Convert the area in many different measurements such as kilometers, square meters, square miles, or even squares of timber. Plus many more.

Data Unit Converter Convert data storage sizes to other larger or smaller sizes.

Density Converter Calculator Turn one measurement such as kilograms/liter and convert it to another.

Electric Current Converter Convert types of electic current with this calculator.

Energy Unit Converter Change from one unit of energy to another.

Speed Converter Convert MPH, KPH, or even speed of light.

Numbers to Words Type in numbers and it spits out words.

Image to Base64

Currency Converter Get the current exchange rate and money throughout the world.

Binary Code Converter Turn text to binary and binary to text.

Roman Numeral Converter Convert numbers to Roman Numerals.

PX to EM Converter Convert pixels (px) to emphasized text (em) or em to px instantly.

Fahrenheit to Celsius Convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius.