Scientific Calculator

A full scientific calculator that is mobile friendly.

What all the buttons stand for on a scientific calculator

Symbol Name Description
AC All Clear Completely clears the calculator.
CE Clear Entry Clears the last entry on the calculator, but keeps previous ones.
+ Addition The button to calculate addition.
- Subraction or negative. The button to calculate subtraction or to start a negative integer.
x Multiplication The button to calculate multiplication.
÷ Division Divide one number from another.
= Equal Calculates the result of an operation.
% Percent The percent of a group of numbers. For instance 10% of 100 is 10 Percent Calculator here.
Π Pi Most famously known and used as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Pi has found its way into other mathematics as well such as physics. Want to see more? Pi to one million.
e e or sometimes called "Euler's number" is an irrational number that is the base of "natural logarithm" here it is to thirty places: 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 And here it is to 1 million.
φ Phi Phi is an irrational number equal to 1.6180.... and is known as the golden ratio.
τ Tau Tau constant 6.2831853071
Inv Inverse INV(x) returns the multiplicative inverse of x, so that x * inv(x) = 1.
sin Sine A trigonometric function used to calculate the sine of angles either in gradians, radians, or degrees.
cos Cosine function A trigonometric function used to calculate the cosine of an angle either in gradians, radians, or degrees.
tan Tangent A trigonometric function used to calculate the cosine of an angle either in gradians, radians, or degrees.
log Log LOG is the base-10 logarithm
ln Natural log
deg Degree This button turns on angle mode so that when you enter a number it assumes it's in degrees.
Square root Will find the square root of any number. For instance the square root of 9 is 3 or the square root of 5 is 2.236068
x2 To the second power. Performs the function on the number entered. Example: 52 = 25.
x3 To the third power. Performs the function on the number entered. Example: 53 = 125.
^ Caret Exponent
exp Natural exponential function
Rnd Random number. Will produce a random number between 0 and 1.
Ans Last Answer If you would like to use the calculator's memory you can use this button to get the last answer and use it in your next equation. Example. 5x5=25 then after you clear the calculator you can hit 4xAns=100 because it's 4 x 25.