Convert any Arabic number such as 4900 or 54 to Roman numerals or convert any Roman numeral to a decimal number with this tool.
Simply enter the decimal or the Roman numeral in the proper field and the opposite field will update with the answer automatically.
Roman Numerals are a system of numbers in which seven Latin letters are used. I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), and M (1,000).
There is no zero in the Roman Numeral system.
If a letter is repeated it repeats it's numeric value that many times, but can only be repeated up to three times. Such as III=3 or XXX=30.
If a letter is placed after a letter of greater value add the two amounts together. Such as VII=7 or CX=110.
If a letter is placed before a letter in which the first letter is of lesser value than subtract that letter from the other. Such as IV=4 or CM=900.
Roman Numerals first appeared around 900 and 800 B.C and are still used today in some situations.